Quick Fit 2: No Equipment

Thursday, August 7, 2008

DVD title: Quick Fit 2: No Equipment needed!
Fitness Levels: beginner, intermediate.
Sample clips:
1.Cardio Squats:

Squats done in this fashion get the heart rate up and can be very cardiovascular for de-conditioned exercisers.
2.Triceps Push-ups:
Triceps push-ups are generally easier for most people to do. This exercise will strengthen the shoulders, arms and the core. Variations shown to add challenge as the exerciser strengthens.
3.Abdominal Planks:
Abdominal planks work the abdominal and core while helping to strengthen the upper body as well. Variations are given for to add challenge as the exerciser strengthens.

Notes: Strengthening of the core and upper body makes daily life activities easier. Squats are the cornerstone of many movements and are vital to a healthy lower body.